Please contact us if you would like additional information or let us know if you have given to us in the past.
Farhat Husain
Assistant Product Manager
[email protected]
Stock Transfer Notification Form
If you plan to transfer a gift of stock to our organization, please fill out our notification form.
Ways to Give

Giving to our cause can be done either directly or through a gift model that can provide tax benefits and even income. Click on a gift model below to learn more.
Gifts of StocksDonating appreciated securities, including stocks or bonds, is an easy and tax-effective way for you to make a gift to our organization.
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Gifts of IRAsCongress has enacted a permanent IRA charitable rollover. As a result you can make an IRA rollover gift this year and in future years.
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Gifts of Life InsuranceA gift of your life insurance policy is an excellent way to make a gift to charity. Also, if you have an unneeded life insurance policy, you can donate it to us and take an immediate tax deduction.
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Gifts of BequestsYou designate our organization as the beneficiary of your asset by will, trust or beneficiary designation form.
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Gifts of Real EstateDonating appreciated real estate, such as a home, vacation property, undeveloped land, farmland, ranch or commercial property can make a great gift to our organization.
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Gifts of Donor Advisory FundsYou fund a DAF and make charitable gift recommendations during your lifetime. When you pass away, your children can carry on your legacy of giving.
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• Gift of Real Estate
• Gift of Real Estate
• Tangible personal property (artwork, jewelry, etc.)
• Charitable Gift Annuity
• Charitable Remainder Unitrust and more!